InDesign Secrets
Adobe InDesign tips, techniques and insider info from Anne-Marie Concepcion and David Blatner.

With guest star: Sandee Cohen; Interactive PDFs; Buttons and States; Obscurity of the Week: Flush Space


Details follow, or visit for Show Notes and comments


Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-028.mp3 (14.4 MB, 27:58 minutes) (a transcript of this podcast will be posted in a few days)

With special guest star, Sandee Cohen!

--A "deep dive" into creating interactive PDF files, especially Buttons and States --Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Flush Space

Listener Comment Line: +1-206-888-INDY (-4639) Talk to us, baby: Leave a message!

Direct download: InDesignSecrets-028.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30am EDT