InDesign Secrets
Adobe InDesign tips, techniques and insider info from Anne-Marie Concepcion and David Blatner.

Newsbits; InDesign CS5.5; Moving custom settings; Obscurity of the Week: 6-up


Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-147.mp3 (15.4 MB, 27:27 minutes)

See the Show Notes for links mentioned in this episode. The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon.
  • Newsbits!
    • New Social Media sharing links on
  • InDesign CS 5.5: Why is it important for Adobe? What's new?
  • Moving custom InDesign settings between computers
  • Obscurity of the Week: 6-Up
Direct download: IndDesignSecrets-147.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:40pm EDT