Sat, 26 August 2006
InDesign Conference: Master Class; Q2ID plug-in; Making proper Fractions; Quizzler #3; Obscurity of the Week: Update Library Item ----- Details follow, or see show notes at ----- Listen in your browser: -- Preview of the upcoming InDesign Conference: Master Class Quizzler #3 instructions: As we mentioned in the podcast, DON'T post your Quizzler answer (or any discussion about it) here as a comment. Instead, e-mail your answer to us at with "Quizzler" in the subject line. All correct answers we receive by midnight PST on Thursday, August 30 2006 will be included in our random dart throw that will choose a single winner. Duplicate entries from the same person will result in your being made fun of in the next podcast as well as disqualifying you. Links mentioned in the podcast: Listener Comment Line: +1-206-888-INDY (-4639) |