Wed, 22 November 2006
Anniversary, Process swatchbooks, Keep Options, Quizzler, Obscurity of the Week: The J key (Formatting affects text/container) ----- Details follow, or visit for Show Notes, Links, and other goodies. ----- Listen in your browser:
Links mentioned in the podcast: Quizzler instructions: If you have an answer to this episode's Quizzler, don't post it here! E-mail it to with "Quizzler" in the Subject. One winner will be chosen randomly from all the correct answers received by midnight, November 30, 2006. The winner will be mailed a set of Colorfinder process color swatchbooks (coated and uncoated) from Trumatch, a $170 value. Remember, don't post your answer here! You'll ruin it for everyone!
Sponsors for this episode: Trumatch ("Colorfinder," their process color swatch book system) Listener Comment Line: +1-206-888-INDY (-4639) |