Sun, 20 July 2008
Do's and Don'ts of Text; Weird Hair Space Kerning; Obscurity of the Week: Join
----- For details, see below, or go to for Show Notes, links, and to leave a comment! ----- Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-082.mp3 (14.6 MB, 31:50 minutes) The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon.
Sweet Deal from our Sponsor:
UK-based Certitec, an Adobe Authorized Training Center (Centre?), is giving away one free 2-day InDesign class to a lucky listener per sponsored podcast. Classes will be held in Cardiff or London, U.K. To enter the drawing for this episode's free class, go to and fill out the form. Quick! You only have 7 days from the date of this podcast to enter the drawing. More information is available on their web page.
Links mentioned in this podcast:
Anne-Marie's presenting two InDesign sessions at the Creative Transitions conference (Milwaukee, WI; Aug 13-15); enter AMC0808 on the conference registration page for a $100 discount
David's original post, Do's and Don'ts of Text in InDesign
Robin Williams' The Mac is Not a Typewriter or The PC is Not a Typewriter
Nigel French's InDesign Type: Professional Typography in Adobe InDesign
The Chicago Manual of Style (U of Chicago Press staff)
Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves
William Strunk's The Elements of Style
Robert Bringhurst's The Elements of Typographic Style
Teacup Software's TypeFitter plug-in