Tue, 20 November 2007
Plug-in-palooza! What, how, why; Twenty-plus great InDesign plug-ins; Obscurity of the Week: Configure Plug-ins ----- Details below, or go to http://indesignsecrets.com/category/podcasts for Show Notes, links, and to leave a comment! ----- Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-065.mp3 (15.8 MB, 34:30 minutes) (the transcript of this podcast will be posted soon)
Sponsor Link and Offer: This episode was sponsored by Audible.com, which lists over 40,000 audio books you can download and listen to just like a podcast. Go to audiblepodcast.com/indesign to download your free audio book (time-limited offer). Links mentioned in the Podcast: Adobe's comprehensive InDesign Plug-ins list DTP Tools (Page Control, Layer Comps, History, Tetris, Cross References, Keyboard Shortcuts) Markzware (Q2ID, ID2Q) EmSoftware (InData, XTags) Teacup Software (DataLinker, TypeFitter, PatternMaker, BarcodeMaker) Rorohiko (TextExporter, LikeFindsLike, Color2Gray, ChatterGoofy) Recosoft (PDF2ID) i.t.i.p GmbH (InMath) Gluon (ProScale ID) Triple Triangle (Color Spec Cubed) Knowbody Software (CoolKerning) Zevrix Solutions (LinkOptimizer) Listener Comment Line: +1-206-202-6483 Talk to us, baby: Leave a message! |