Thu, 10 January 2008
New Year's Podcast responses; Deke McClelland interview; Quizzler!; Obscurity of the Week: View Box ----- Details below, or go to for Show Notes, links mentioned in the podcast, and to leave a comment! ----- Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-069.mp3 (15.7 MB, 34:23 minutes) (the transcript of this podcast will be posted soon)
Links mentioned in the Podcast: Deke's new book Adobe InDesign CS3 One-on-One David's post about modifying Basic Styles Quizzler Instructions: Think you have the best answer? Write it up in an e-mail and send it to us at with "Quizzler" in the Subject line. (Don't post your answer as a comment!) Deadline for entries is midnight on Friday, Jan. 18. We'll announce the winner -- and the Quizzler answer, boy howdy we'll never forget to do that again -- in our next podcast. |
Wed, 2 January 2008
New Year's Resolutions for InDesign Users; Obscurity of the Week: JPEG 2000 ----- Details below, or go to for Show Notes, links, and to leave a comment! ----- Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-068.mp3 (13.3 MB, 28:58 minutes) (the transcript of this podcast will be posted soon) Happy New Year!
Links mentioned in the Podcast: Looking for a script or plug-in? Try here Our free Keyboard Shortcuts plug-in Robin Williams' The Mac is Not a Typewriter or The PC is Not a Typewriter Our recommended InDesign books and videos for reference How to rebuild Preferences in InDesign Do you use JPEG 2000? Adobe wants to know 2008 New Year's Resolutions: Our Suggested List for InDesign Users